
A/V Blog, Anthology and Other Miscellany

FTP access for Blogger/Blogspot Accounts Going Away

http://blogger-ftp.blogspot.com/2010/01/deprecating-ftp.html… So that means that my infinite wisdom to resort to a more custom approach via WordPress on the upcoming JKenMedia site was actually fortuitous. Of course this also changes my plans for keeping this blog active as a generic “life” blog. It will have …

JKenLive 3d Animated Logo

Just finished re-rendering my old splash page logo from my website. This was what would play when a user would hit the home page of my URL. I decided to take it down because it seemed to detract from a fluid visit.
Currently I’ve been toying around with some different logo and text treatments for the new J-Ken Media freelance push I’ve been trying to get ramped up for this year. Using a different (custom) font style perhaps, and some animations that can be integrated into the site navigation.
That’s all for now.

DOA3 Montage HD version

I was running through some of my old archived projects and came across the After Effects project folder for this clip. I decided to re-render it in HD and give it a go on with YouTube’s new HD options. The picture quality is very impressive, but either some setting got reset before the render or it’s just really showing it’s age.

For best results view the video on the YoutTube page directly. Then you can see the full HD scale that YouTube offers. This was my first After Effects project, ever.

And, as you can see, I’ve also linked my blog to my YouTube account and will be trying it out some more.

Change of Address

Time to relocate to a new haven of solace, vision and sound. Another difficult decision that will reflect more positives for the significant others in my family rather than myself. However there will be some selfish benefits to the move for me as well. Behold, …