A/V Blog, Anthology and Other Miscellany
Progress – As Defined By My Ruler

Progress – As Defined By My Ruler

Progress Defined
Progress … currently the main goal is definition. Defining who I am and what I can do for anyone who is interested. This will also help with anyone I approach about work when they ask the question, “What is it you do exactly?”

This has always been a tough question to answer. I want to do a great deal of things, but realize that it’s impossible to do everything at the same time. The current take on this means I would ultimately be a director of some kind. Large projects blossoming from my mind but only achieving realization through swathes of people. I like people and this sounds great, but today someone needs to know what I can do for them, not some distant project on a far away star.

Over the past few months definition has been revealed to me through set backs, failures and my natural tendencies. What thoughts are the most forefront? I did not help myself by taking school classes covering a multitude of topics or disciplines. Or did I?

The Model Car
Let’s say I want to make my ultimate dream car. I can see what it is and what it can do in my mind’s eye. I have researched what is possible and made a list of probable features and performance capabilities perfect for this design. I have several color schemes in my mind and know the processes necessary to achieve them. There would be several body molds and structural designs necessary to achieve the dramatic styling of the vehicle. The engine would perform at a determined specification with a target power and efficiency rating. The interior would enshroud the driver in comfortable and ergonomic space suitable for navigating the vehicle on the autobahn or downtown traffic. The car would exude performance and character all while being the perfect expression of myself, as four wheels are capable of.

The Setbacks
The first thing I ever encountered in my life was the suggestion that I could not achieve any such thing. The reasons were simple and obvious.
I am a not metal worker or skilled craftsman. I am not an engineer. Although I may have painted a small model or toy, the skill in this would require a true artist to achieve. Some of the target specifications may never have been achieved before. How could I know if they were plausible? I’ve never run a sowing machine or fitted a couch for leather. I don’t know the precise or exacting tolerances necessary to contrive instruments suitable to operate the vehicle.

The Solutions
The first solution to this problem would be to learn every ability and skill necessary to achieve such a feat. In essence a life’s work. But while admirable, this would limit the outcome. Perhaps even defeat it.
The next solution would be to use current and existing technology or components, and shape them into the image of the desired product. This is in fact done quite often in the design world. It saves the headaches of new technological failures or shortcomings with tried and tested conformity.
The third solution involves people, and utilizing them to create, craft and test entirely new components built specifically from the ground up for task at hand. A novel approach, one that is rarely accomplished but if achieved stands in excellence above the others.

The Definition
Neither of these processes could ever be achieved without the original blueprint floating around in my mind. It would have to be extracted, written, detailed, illustrated and presented for every portion of the processes to work. If it is the solo craftsman, he must know exactly when and where to apply his abilities. The assembler of existing components must know the vision and order in which they make the desired product. The battery of engineers and designers must be focused with a solitary vision of purpose in order to achieve the final work.

This is where I start. There is progress here. Then it will be seen.