It’s been a little difficult to keep things focused with some of the changes going on around here. So JKenMedia has had a bit of a time getting off the ground. A new place for development is coming together though and that should make things go a lot easier.
For now, I have gone ahead and parked the JKenMedia domain on my website. It merely takes you to… my website… of course. No biggie there.
The plan is to reformat the main page/portal with sound and graphic content – aka “media” – and then leave my blog for the regular updates of projects and works underway.
I’ve also been working on developing a new JKenMedia text logo that will carry over into the business side of things… As stated previously though, I have not been very rushed about it and things have been coming up to keep me busy otherwise.
That being said, I suppose it’s time for me to just start doing it. Put up or shut up? Something like that. It’s amazing how whenever I decide that something is the right thing to do, 10 other things pop up to compete for the attention… I should have an interim page for JKenMedia posted up soon. Maybe by the end of the week. Stick to the plan… Stick to the plan…