A/V Blog, Anthology and Other Miscellany
Choice Of Fonts

Choice Of Fonts

Blog now matches website. Or should it be said the other way around? Website matches blog. Whichever you fancy …
I liked the clarity of the typeset and font spacing of the blog template so much I carried it over to my webpage instead of the other way around … Looks polished all around.

Next up …

Working on an old CD master I did before going to school. Sounds a little better now, but I was using old dinosaurs and V8s to make the tracks back then – it’s still a bit off. Some of the original recordings are on my MySpace currently, but I will try to update the really good ones and put them up at my Soundclick page as well.

Still trying to find some time to finalize my Austin GDC trip footage from earlier this year and deciding on some art for my Deviant profile as well.

Stuff is coming right along. Just need to keep at it.